I Want Dinner!

What am I going to cook tonight?

Biscuit Pastry

Picture of flour in a mixing bowl

170g (6oz) Plain flour
115g (4oz) Margarine
Pinch of salt
28g (1oz) Sugar
1 tablespoon water

1. Heat the sugar and water together until the sugar dissolves (about 1min in the microwave, but check regularly!). Leave to cool.

2. Cream the margarine and work in the flour and salt with a knife.

3. Bind the flour mixure together with the cooled syrup and knead until even and smooth.

4. Let the pastry stand in the fridge for a short time before using.

5. Bake at 200°C (Gas Mark 6) for about 20 - 25 mins.

(Makes about 12 mince pies)

If you've got any tried and tested recipes of your own that you want to share, then please get in touch with our webmaster by email.