I Want Dinner!

What am I going to cook tonight?

Easy Pita Chips

Photo of Easy Pita Chips
4 pitas
60ml olive oil
1tsp dried oregano or other dried herbs
salt & pepper




1. Heat the oven to 200°C/Gas Mark 6

2. Split the pitas in half horizontally to make 8 rounds. Brush the insides of the pitas with the oil

3. Cut the rounds into wedges and divide between 2 oiled baking sheets

4. Spinkle with herbs and seasoning (you could add 50g of grated parmesan if you want)

5. Bake until golden brown and crisp, about 10 - 12 mins

6. These chips will keep well in an airtight tin for about a week ... if you haven't eaten them by then!

Want to contribute?

If you've got any tried and tested recipes of your own that you want to share, then please get in touch with our webmaster by email.