I Want Dinner!

What am I going to cook tonight?

Overnight Oats

Photo of Overnight Oats with fruit

½ cup Porridge Oats (larger ones work best)
½ cup Milk
¼ cup Greek Yoghurt
1 tbsp Chia Seeds
1 tbsp Honey
¼ tsp Vanilla Extract

Serves 2


1. Mix ingredients together gently

2. Let the mixture soak for a few hours, or preferably overnight.

3. This will keep for a few days in the fridge.

4. In the morning add whatever topping you fancy ... nuts, fruits, dried fruits, naughty stuff like nutella etc.

5. You could use any milk or yohurt substitute if you want to avoid dairy products.

How it works

You can look in the sections above to find what you're after. In time, we hope to have a search facility available to make finding what you want easier.

Any other suggestions will be gratefully received.

Want to contribute?

If you've got any tried and tested recipes of your own that you want to share, then please get in touch with our webmaster by email.