I Want Dinner!

What am I going to cook tonight?

Cheese Sauce


30g margarine or butter
30g flour
300ml milk
60-70g grated cheddar cheese (stronger the better)

Makes 300ml sauce


1. Place the margarine, flour and milk in a glass bowl or jug (allow room for the sauce to expand).

2. Whisk together well.

3. Cook on 'High' in the microwave for 3 - 4 mins, stirring every 30 secs (important - don't walk away or forget to stir, or you'll end up with a horrible lump in the bottom of the dish!)

4. When the sauce is thickened and smooth, add the cheese and stir well untill it melts into the sauce.

Want to contribute?

If you've got any tried and tested recipes of your own that you want to share, then please get in touch with our webmaster by email.